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Англійська мова 11 клас Підручник Кучма

Категорія:Всі пропозиції / старша школа / іноземна мова 5- 11 клас

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Англійська мова 11 клас Підручник КучмаАнглійська мова 11 клас Підручник КучмаАнглійська мова 11 клас Підручник КучмаАнглійська мова 11 клас Підручник Кучма

Зміст:REVISIONLesson 1. School LifeLesson 2. LibraryLesson 3. Mass Media (Press)Lesson 4. LifestyleLesson 5 MusicLesson 6. Ukraine (Country and People)Lesson 7. The United Kingdom (Country and People)UNIT 1. LifestyleLesson 8. Healthy LifestyleLesson 9. Happy & Healthy. Simple TensesLesson 10. Modern Day TeensLesson 11. Parents and ChildrenLesson 12. Improving RelationshipLesson 13. Communication ToolsLesson 14. Effective Communication. Word Order in QuestionsLesson 15. Tolerant Attitude to OthersSelf-Assessment Module 1UNIT 2. FoodLesson 16. Healthy FoodLesson 17. Junk FoodLesson 18. Food for BrainLesson 19. Good Food. May/MightLesson 20. Favourite RecipesLesson 21. CuisinesLesson 22. Eating OutLesson 23. Favourite Dishes Past TensesSelf-Assessment Module 2UNIT 3. Mass MediaLesson 24. Mass MediaLesson 25. TelevisionLesson 26. Types of TV Programmes. Conditional Sentances. Type 1Lesson 27. Types of Films. Adjectives Ending in -ed and -ingLesson 28. Types of FilmsLesson 29. Means of CommunicationLesson 30. Radio Programmes. Passive VoiceLesson 31. Feelings & EmotionsLesson 32. Safe InternetSelf-Assessment Module 3UNIT 4. ArtLesson 33. Kinds of ArtLesson 34. Kinds of ArtLesson 35. TheatreLesson 36. Painting in Great BritainLesson 37. Painting in UkraineLesson 38. Favourite Paintings. During. ForLesson 39. Installation Art. Throughout. DuringLesson 40. Museums. When. As Soon As. Till / UntilLesson 41. Modern ArtUNIT 5. UkraineLesson 42. Countries of the WorldLesson 43. Geography of UkraineLesson 44. Climate and WeatherLesson 45. The Population of UkraineLesson 46. Ukraine Population ClockLesson 47. Ukraine Age StructureLesson 48. Literacy of PopulationLesson 49. Ethnic Groups of UkraineLesson 50. RevisionSelf-Assessment Module 5UNIT 6. The United KingdomLesson 51. The UKLesson 52. Climate and WeatherLesson 53. Climate and WeatherLesson 54. The Population of the UKLesson 55. Ethnic Groups in the UK. Conditional IILesson 56. Literacy of Population in the UKLesson 57. Age StructureLesson 58. Revision. Modal VerbsSelf-Assessment Module 6UNIT 7. School LifeLesson 59. Favourite SubjectLesson 60. Schools in Great BritainLesson 61. Schools. to + InfinitiveLesson 62. Schools are Different! Noun / Pronoun + to + InfinitiveLesson 63. Education in AmericaLesson 64. Schools in the USALesson 65. School Rules. Passive InfinitiveLesson 66. School RulesSelf-Assessment Module 7UNIT 8. JobsLesson 67. Personal Profile. Types of SentencesLesson 68. Types of JobsLesson 69. Types of JobsLesson 70. Types of JobsLesson 71. Choosing a JobLesson 72. My Future JobLesson 73. Job’s DescriptionLesson 74. Applying for a JobLesson 75. Curriculum VitaeLesson 76. Covering LetterLesson 77. Choosing a JobLesson 78. InterviewLesson 79. InterviewSelf-Assessment Module 8Additional ReadingTapescriptsGrammar ReferenceIrregular VerbsEnglish-Ukrainian Dictionary

Ціна: 220,00 грн.

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